Conjoined Twins Abby Hensel is Finally Married

Conjoined twins Abby and Brittany Hensel, known since their appearance on “The Oprah Winfrey Show” in 1996, have recently celebrated a significant milestone: Abby has gotten married.

The sisters gained further fame through the TLC reality series “Abby and Brittany,” which showcased their everyday lives, including driving, traveling, and pursuing education.

Story of Abby and Brittany Hensel

After completing college with degrees in education, the show concluded.

Abby, now 34 and a teacher, married a nurse and US Army veteran Josh Bowling in 2021.

The couple resides in Minnesota, their birthplace, and both sisters teach fifth grade.

The couple shares their adventures on social media, from nature hikes to snow tubing.

Despite attempts to reach Abby for comment, there has been no immediate response.

Born as dicephalus conjoined twins in 1990, Abby and Brittany share a bloodstream and lower-body organs, with Abby controlling the right side and Brittany the left.

Their parents, Patty and Mike Hensel, decided against separation surgery, considering it too risky, after medical professionals told them not to proceed with it.

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