Thousands of Foreign Nurses Are Leaving UK Every Year

Nearly 9,000 foreign nurses are leaving the UK annually, furthering the NHS’s staffing crisis.

A surge in departures, particularly among non-EU nurses, raises concerns that the UK is seen as a transient stop in their careers.

The Guardian reported that nurses are not paid well in the UK, forcing thousands to leave the UK in search of better jobs outside the country.

12,400 Nurses in 22-23

The exodus has doubled among UK-registered nurses in one year, reaching a record 12,400 in 2022-23.

Most leaving (around 8,680) originally qualified outside the UK or EU, often in countries like India or the Philippines.

The US, New Zealand, and Australia are the preferred destinations due to substantially higher pay, almost double what UK nurses earn, the report mentions.

NHS is Becoming Unattractive

Experts worry about the NHS’s declining attractiveness to overseas nurses and its dwindling status in global recruitment.

Many foreign recruits view the UK as a temporary stop before moving elsewhere for better pay and conditions.

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