Nature Didn’t Heal in Covid Pandemic, Research Suggests

Scientists have dismissed the notion that nature started healing when humans were trapped inside homes during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Although researchers found a surge in animal activity near human cities, there wasn’t any evidence of “nature healing”.

25% Surge in Animal Activity

Researchers used camera traps across 21 countries, finding a 25% rise in animal activity in human-modified habitats, mostly at night.

Carnivores increased in urban areas during lockdowns but became more nocturnal when human activity rose.

Research published in Nature Ecology & Evolution indicates an element of fear that wasn’t there when human beings were locked inside their homes.

Furthermore, the researchers did not find that animals increased their presence as our activity decreased.

Reason Why We Observed Animals

According to the researchers, increased observations of wildlife by people were likely due to people having the time to notice them.

Humans had many idle hours, making it possible for them to observe animals roaming freely in their neighborhoods.

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