First Mountain Lion Fatality Reported in 20 Years in California

For the first time in 20 years, a mountain lion has killed a California man and badly wounded his brother.

The mountain lion killed the 21-year-old man before authorities arrived and euthanized the animal in a remote wooded region.

Statistics from the California Wildlife shows this was the first fatality linked to the mountain lion in the state.

Wounded Brother Called Authorities

According to the local sheriff’s office’s press release, the 18-year-old brother of the victim called on the authorities to search for his missing brother.

Both the brothers separated from each other while they hunted for shed antlers in the Georgetown area of El Dorado county, the Sheriff office said.

Deputies Found The Dead Body

The Sheriff office didn’t immediately release the name of victims upon request of the family members.

The deputies said they found the dead body of the older brother but the mountain lion was standing near to him.

The security officials fired warning shots and later on euthanized the animal.

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