Five Brave US Cyclists Fought Cougars For 45 Minutes in Forest

Five seasoned female cyclists, aged between 50 and 60, managed to survive a horrific cougar attack on the Tokul Creek trail near Snoqualmie in the Pacific Northwest, US.

The cyclists were attacked 19 miles deep inside the Tokul Creek Forest Trail by two cougars, but fortunately, no one was killed in the encounter.

An interview with one of the survivors with KUOW, a Washington-based news organization, reveals the horror the victims went through and their 45-minute-long fight with cougars.

Group photo of cyclists

Female Cyclists Fought Back

According to the report, Auna Tietz, a cyclist, scared off one cougar by reacting aggressively.

But the other wild cat attacked Keri Bergere, 60, sinking its teeth into her face and pinning her down.

Bergere desperately fought back but managed to scare off.

Despite her petite frame, the woman struck the cougar using rocks, sticks, and even a bike to subdue the cat.

Keri Bergere was badly injured

After 45 minutes of struggle, Officer Chris Moszeter arrived and made the heartbreaking decision to euthanize the cougar to save Bergere.

Miraculously, Bergere survived with severe injuries but expressed immense gratitude for her friends’ courage.

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