Archaeologists Discover 300 Years Old British Ship in Florida

Archaeologists have confirmed the rediscovery of the 18th-century British warship HMS Tyger off the coast of Florida’s Dry Tortugas National Park.

The vessel, which sank in 1742 during the War of Jenkins’ Ear, was identified through in-depth research and archaeological surveys.

The Telegraph reported that the National Park Service also identified the wreckage and had recovered five cannon and log books inside it.

Ship Was Built in 1647

The reports mentioned that the ship was first built in 1647 and was abandoned by its crew in 1742.

The findings published in The International Journal of Nautical Archaeology suggests that HMS Tyger went through harsh conditions in the War of Jenkins Ear between Britain and Spain. 

Crew Burned Down The Ship

The researchers said that the brew members burned down the ship after they were about to abandon it to protect it from the hands of enemies.

Archaeologists discovered 9 cannons at the same site back in 2021, encouraging researchers to speculate a ship might lay somewhere nearby. 

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