Toilet Paper Clogs Traffic on California Highway

Traffic faced considerable delay on the I-5 Freeway near Calgrove Boulevard, and disruptions occurred when numerous rolls of toilet paper tumbled onto the road from boxes loaded onto a Ford F-350 pickup truck.

California Highway Patrol (CHP) said that Southbound lanes of the freeway near Calgrove Boulevard briefly suffered a blockage after the paper fell from a Ford F-350.

The spill impacted the two rightmost lanes, but the law enforcement agencies worked to unclog the area, temporarily blocking the southbound lanes.

Local media said It’s unclear how the vehicle managed to spill the paper boxes.

To rectify the situation, officers tossed rolls of toilet paper across a barrier separating the freeway from an adjacent construction zone.

The incident illustrates an unusual disruption that led to traffic headaches and the need for authorities to take prompt cleanup measures.

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