3 Top Nitrogen Gas Producers Bar Products From Use in Executions

Three major producers of medical-grade nitrogen gas in the US have prohibited their products from being used in executions.

The decision follows Alabama’s recent execution of death row inmate Kenneth Smith using nitrogen gas.

The three companies confirmed that they have implemented measures to prevent their nitrogen cylinders from being utilized in death penalty states.

The Three Companies

This marks a significant move by corporations to prevent medical nitrogen, designed for preserving life, from being employed for capital punishment.

Airgas, owned by French multinational Air Liquide, led the initiative, stating that supplying nitrogen for executions is inconsistent with its values.

Nitrogen hypoxia, a method involving oxygen deprivation leading to death, has been adopted by four states, including Alabama, as an alternative execution technique.

The actions of these nitrogen producers align with the corporate stance against the misuse of their products in executions, similar to pharmaceutical companies producing drugs used in lethal injections.

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