Video Captures Moment A Wheel Falls Off United Airlines Mid-Air

A video captures the exact moment a tire falls from a United Airlines flight.

Mid-flight, a tire dislodged from the Boeing 777 fell to the ground and caused havoc in a San Francisco parking lot.

The plane “lost a portion of landing gear tire during takeoff” on Thursday, when it took off from San Francisco International Airport.

Flight Rerouted

The Flight was successfully rerouted to Los Angeles International Airport, where fire engines awaited.

The plane, identified as Boeing 777-200, executed a secure landing, and despite the runway stoppage, no injuries occurred.

The detached tire landed in an employee car park, damaging several unoccupied vehicles without causing any injuries.

Inquiry Initiated

The Federal Aviation Administration has initiated an investigation to assess the alarming incident.

United Airlines expressed gratitude for the professionalism of their crew and pledged compensation to the owners of vehicles that were damaged in the incident.

There was no further impact on airport routine operations, Los Angeles airport spokesperson Doug Yakel said.

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