World’s Top Billionaires Heads To India For Billionaire’s wedding

World’s top billionaires and celebrities have gathered in the Indian state of Gujarat to attend the wedding ceremony of an Indian billionaire’s son, Anant Ambani.

The wedding ceremony of Asia’s richest man Mukesh Ambani has garnered billionaires like Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates and even the daughter of former US President Donald Trump, Ivanka Trump.

Big Names Flocking To Billionaire’s Wedding

The hosts served more than 500 dishes to ultra rich guests flocking to India to attend the ceremony.

The BBC reported that the guests also saw pop star Rihanna’s first ever performance in India.

The Asia’ richest billionaire, whose net worth currently stands at $117 billion, also threw his daughter, Isha, the most expensive wedding the country had ever seen, costing around $100 million in 2018.

Local Airport Granted International Status

The local media reports said that the event was so big that the local Gujrat airport was granted an international status.

Airport authorities said nearly 130 flights had arrived for the event, carrying the likes of Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg.

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