Former US Colonel Accused of Leaking Information on Dating Site

A former United States army colonel has been charged with leaking classified information on a foreign dating website.

Court officials said David Franklin Slater leaked dangerous information that could be used to undermine US security interests.

Documents further revealed that Mr. Slater shared classified information about Russia’s invasion of Ukraine to a woman based in Ukraine.

Secret Informant Love

The former colonel was frequently referred to by the person on the other end of the chat as “secret information love”, according to the BBC report.

The charging documents revealed that Mr. David shared information which was presented to him in US Strategic Command (Stratcom) briefings about Russia and Ukraine.

David was employed in the Stratcom whose responsibility was to oversee the US nuclear arsenal.

FBI and Air Force Office of Special Investigations teams couldn’t verify the person on the other end nor did they identify the dating platform.

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