Report: Abraham Lincoln pardoned Biden’s great-great-grandfather 

A report written by historian David J Gerleman in The Washington Post mentions that Abraham Lincoln pardoned President Joe Biden’s great-great-grandfather of a crime.

Joe Biden’s great-great-grandfather was charged with an attempted murder of his fellow Union Army civilian employee.

Robinette was convicted of attempted murder and sentenced to two years of hard labor


The comprehensive report claimed that Biden’s great-great-grandfather Moses J. Robinette slit opened John J Alexander’s throat during a fight.

Robinette was convicted of attempted murder and sentenced to two years of hard labor when he failed to convince the court that he acted in self-defense.

The incident happened when Robinette was serving as an army veterinary surgeon during the Civil War.

It is unclear what impact would the report have on upcoming elections

Robinette Was Pardoned Before Lincoln’s Assassination

The Washington Post report said that three army officers approached President Lincoln to pardon Robinette, arguing it was too harsh.

Lincoln was convinced and pardoned Joe Biden’s second great-grandfather on 1 September 1864, seven months before Lincoln was assassinated.

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