Italy Arrests Gang of Armed Robbers in their 60s And 70s

The Italian police have arrested an entire gang of robbers in their 60s and 70s.

The suspects were involved in armed burglaries at post offices in the Italian capital city of Rome.

The police believe that the gang have been active in Italy since the 1990s and have been caught on camera.

Gang of Old Members

According to the Guardian report, the gang had two leaders, both in their 70s.

The primary suspect in the gang is Italo De Witt, also known as “the German”, who orchestrated a sophisticated heist in the 1990s near Spanish Steps, Rome.

Another member of the gang, a 75-year-old, acted as a lookout during robberies, police investigation mentioned.

Six Members Arrested

The saga of the infamous elder gang was finally uncovered recently after a failed robbery at a post office in the Don Bosco area.

The police have been looking for the gang for more than 30 years, but a failed robbery in Rome’s criminal underworld.

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