Teen Hung By Broken Leg on Power Line For An Hour After Crash

A 19-year-old teen survived a horrific car accident when she was thrown out of her car.

The teen named Kennedy Littledike hung by a power line nearby where the accident took place but says the powerline saved her life.

Kennedy was left dangling from a power line 30 ft from the road by her broken leg for an hour and the doctors had to cut her left leg off during the surgery.

Kennedy’s car

Kennedy is Fine Now

The crash took place in 2021 when Kennedy, along with two of her friends, began crying and veered off the road.

She was heartbroken behind the wheel when the car started to get out of control and crashed.

Since her crash, Kennedy has amassed a good social media presence, sharing her story to motivate others.

She has been using prosthetic leg since one of her leg was amputated during the course of surgery, as it as badly damaged.

Kennedy hanging from the powerline

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