New York Skyscrapers Hidden in Snow As Winter Storm Hit the City

Famous skyscrapers of New York City Were seen hidden by snow as powerful winter storms caused havoc across the northeastern US.

The coastal regions have been hit by one of the worst snow storms since 2022.

Classes for thousands of students were suspended in New York, Pennsylvania, and Massachusetts as travel restrictions were put in place.

50 Million People Under Threat Alerts

According to the BBC, at least 50 million people are under winter weather alerts.

The police have also reported a few deaths associated with extreme snow and minor accidents that caused little to no damage.

The New Jersey governor said the state has reported more than 250 accidents during Tuesday’s winter storm.

Screenshot from BBC’s video shows skyscrapers completely hidden in snow

1,200 US Flights Canceled

At least 1,200 flights have been canceled in New York and Boston, with more than 2,500 flights delayed.

“As of Tuesday morning, 387 flights from LaGuardia, 221 flights from Boston Logan International, and 180 flights from Newark are among those canceled”, CNN reported.

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