Biden’s TikTok Debut Raises Security Concerns in The US

As preparations for the presidential elections are taking pace, President Joe Biden’s decision to join TikTok for campaigning has raised security concerns.

Joe Biden’s TikTok account went online on Sunday in an effort to attract young voters to the platform.

The decision has raised concerns among legal and security experts in the country as the video streaming platform is currently under review for its alleged links to China.

Biden’s TikTok Debut

President Joe Biden has been criticized for joining the Chinese platform.

Democratic senator Mark Warner said he was worried about the national security implications of the decision.

Republicans also raised their voices against the decision as the public officeholders were barred from having TikTok on their phones.

Speaking of the No TikTok on Government Devices Act signed by the President in 2020, White House spokesperson John Kirby said the policies are still in place.

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