Baby Dies After Mother Mistakenly Puts Her in Oven For Nap

An infant in Missouri died after the mother mistakenly put him in the oven for a nap.

The 9-month-old child was burned and died before the police reached the house.

The Guardian reported that Police found an infant baby severely burned and not breathing.

he mother, Mariah Thomas, was charged with endangering the life of his child by mistake.

No Explanation Offered

The Guardian, who first reported the incident, said the woman couldn’t explain how she made the mistake of burning his little child.

Prosecutors said the mother accidentally put his child in an oven instead of a crib.

Baby Suffered Thermal Injuries

According to the Daily Beast, the baby suffered thermal injuries on various parts of her body.

‘The victim was located in the living room, lying in a car seat just inside the front door,” Jackson County prosecuting attorney Jean Peters Baker said.

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