Instagram & Facebook Removes Accounts For Iran’s Supreme Leader

Instagram and Facebook have deleted the accounts of Iranian Supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

The platforms did so because of Khamenei’s open support for Hamas’s 7 October terrorist attack on Israel.

Meta said the account violated the company’s policies over his support for dangerous organizations.

Violent Mission

Accounts associated with the Iranian government, specifically the supreme leader, have been praising Hamas for its onslaught against Israel. “We kiss the hands of those who planned the attack on the Zionist regime,” Iran’s leader said.

Iran’s mission to the United Nations didn’t respond to developments, media reports said.

Twitter Remains Live

The Twitter account of the supreme leader Khamenei remains active and has never been deleted.

Khamenei joined Facebook in 2012 and has since then proactively spread anti-Israel rhetoric.

Pressure has been growing on online platforms to remove Khamenei after the Iranian government brutally suppressed the mass protests in 2022.

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