Man Climbs Las Vegas Sphere To Raise Funds For Pregnant Women

A skyscraper climber climbed the Las Vegas sphere to raise funds for a homeless pregnant woman.

Police arrested the climber after they responded to the incident.

Madison Des Champs, self-proclaimed “skyscraper climber,” live-streamed his climb on his Instagram account, but the Las Vegas Police Department arrested him when they heard complaints from locals.

Raising Funds For Pregnant Women

Des Champs claimed he did it to raise funds for a homeless pregnant woman.

The $2 billion Sphere features an “exosphere” of LED screens, where the climber made a video on the top of the 366-foot tall structure.

Authorities, along with Sphere Entertainment, said they were grateful for the support of the local people, and the climber was in custody under LVMPD.

Video of Des Champs climbing the famous Sphere went viral on social media platforms, prompting a swift response from the local police department.

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