Buckingham Palace Says King Charles III Diagnosed With Cancer

King Charles has been diagnosed with cancer and all his engagements have been canceled following the news.

Buckingham Palace revealed no further details about the type of cancer King has but said it was not prostate cancer.

The cancer was detected when the monarch recently underwent treatment at the London Clinic for a benign enlarged prostate, the Guardian claimed.

King Remains Positive

Meanwhile, the monarch remains positive about his recovery and is looking forward to continuing his duties shortly.

King’s son Prince Harry, who lives in the United States, said he will be traveling back to the UK after a brief talk with his father over the phone.

Public Events Paused

According to a report by the BBC, King is advised to cease his public engagements after the bad news.

“The King will continue with his constitutional role as head of state, including paperwork and private meetings”, the report mentioned.

King is also allowed to meet the Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, unless he is advised not to do so by the doctors.

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