UK Water Bills To Rise Above Inflation in April

Water bills in the UK are set to rise above inflation in April.

Water bills are expected to increase by 6% in England and Wales, amounting to £27, reaching £473.

Water companies facing scrutiny over sewage dumping cite the need for record investments, over £14.4bn, to ensure water supply security and reduce sewage in rivers.

Critics Think Otherwise

Critics argue the increase is a small step in addressing the sewage scandal.

While Wessex Water and Anglian Water in England and Wales top the scale, Northumbrian customers will see the lowest average bills, the BBC report said.

The main argument the water firms have is that the raise will help them mitigate the costs of upgrades and reduce sewage discharges.

Firms Asked To Limit Raises

Regulator Ofwat has directed companies to limit rises and support those struggling with bills.

“Water companies must do all they can to protect those who are most in need of a helping hand,” David Henderson, chief executive of Water UK, said.

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