Police Rescue Toddler Stuck Inside A Claw Machine in Australia

The Queensland police in Australia successfully rescued a little child from a Hello Kitty arcade claw machine.

The police cam captured the moment they arrived at the scene, asking colleagues how to rescue the toddler named Ethan.

The police officers were called to the scene when the three-year-old child was stuck inside the toy machine.

Ethan Followed Police Instructions

The boy was intelligent enough to follow the instructions of the police, who were about to break one side of the glass.

The officer tried to make sure the child was safe and rational. “Police ensured Ethan was at a safe distance before breaking a glass window of the machine in order to free him,” the police told local media.

Ethan was enjoying his time inside the claw machine, where he spent 10-15 minutes, Ethan’s parents told the media.

A spokesperson for the Retail First Group said it was the first time such an incident had occurred.

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