Japan Moon Lander Comes Back To Life After Being Shut For Week

The Japanese moon laner known as Slim came back to life after being unable to generate power via its solar panels for a week.

Smart Lander for Investigating Moon (Slim) went quiet after Japan landed it for the first time in its history.

Scientists said Slim could not generate power, so it had to be operated on a battery for several hours.

Lander Comes Back To Life

The Japanese Space Agency Jaxa accomplished a historic milestone by landing on the surface of the moon for the very first time on 20 January.

The lander confronted a problem when the solar panels meant to generate power were pointing away from the sun.

Lander Was Running on Battery

The lander was running on battery for a few hours, but the Japanese engineers turned it off.

Jaxa has yet to clarify when the lander will operate on the lunar surface.

The lander is sent to study the composition of rocks and has already sent photos back to Earth.

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