Ex-Trump Advisor Navarro Sentenced To Four Months

An advisor to the former President Donald Trump has been sentenced on Thursday to four months in jail for not helping out authorities investigating the 6 incident.

Peter Navarro was sentenced to months of jail for refusing to cooperate with the authorities in an investigation into the January 6 assault on Capitol Hill. 

The Sentence is Lighter

Federal court judge Amit Mehta imposed a lighter sentence in contrast to what the the prosecutors recommended against Mr. Navarro.

The court judge told Navaro that he is not a victim and the outcome was of his own making.

“You are not a victim, you are not the object of a political prosecution,” the US district judge told Navaro. 

Navarro Fined $9,500 

Navaro was found guilty of two counts of contempt of Congress when he refused to assist the authorities by releasing documents and testimony in the congressional investigation.

The former aide to Mr. Trump was also fined $9,500 by the federal judge. 

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