China Warns Citizens Against Honey Trap Tactics By Foreign Spies

The Chinese government has warned its citizens about the danger of being lured into romantic relationships with foreign spies.

The Chinese Ministry of State Security announced on WeChat, Chinese alternative to Whatsapp, that people should refrain from engaging in romantic relationships overseas.

Experts suggest that the announcement shows China’s growing insecurity

Tale of A Chinese Man

The announcement also came with a story of a Chinese man who went to a nightclub and was later blackmailed by foreign spies.

The message titled “Hunting for beauty? You may become the prey” narrated a story of a man who worked in a Chinese state-owned enterprise.

He was approached by some men in uniform who took his naked pictures while he was having a moment with someone else. 

China’s Insecurity

Analysts believe China is overly insecure about its people and the leaders are trying to cover it up.

The rivalry between China and US-led western allies has intensified with countries on both sides accusing each other of espionage and aggression.

Earlier this month, China arrested its citizen who was allegedly working for British intelligence agency under the disguise of a consulting firm.

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