Florida Proposes Bill To Ban Social Media For Under 16

Lawmakers in Florida have proposed a bill that would make it illegal for under-16 teenagers to have accounts on social media sites.

The law is expected to put serious strict restrictions on teens’ usage of social media sites and mandate that all other users provide proof of age.

Florida Proposes Social Media Law

The bill has already been passed by the Florida House and now awaits the approval of the Republican-controlled Senate.

The new measure forbids users under the age of sixteen from opening a new social media account and mandates that companies remove any accounts already held by users of that age.

Additionally, it would mandate that social media businesses remove all personally identifiable information from user accounts.

Third Party Verification

The law puts further restrictions on the verification process for under-16 users.

Users’ age would have to be verified by a “nongovernmental, independent, third-party not affiliated with the social media platform.”

Those who proposed the bill argue that social media is harmful and addictive, which negatively harms kids.

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