Police Say 6 Missing From Missouri Lured Into Online Cult

Six people who have been reported missing from St. Louis has joined an online cult, the local police said.

A cult group led by a self-proclaimed prophet and a convicted child molester said he was not aware of the missing people but the police said the six missing individuals were indeed the followers of the cult.

Police said all six individuals were living in a rented house in Berkeley before they disappeared.

A neighbor gave police this photo of the missing adults practicing daily meditation or worship in the backyard (Credits: Berkeley police)

Cult Leader is Serving Sentence

The cult leader named Rashad Jamal is currently serving 18 years in prison in Georgia after he was convicted for child molestation and cruelty to children in August.

Berkeley Police Maj. Steve Runge said the investigators believe that the six individuals were followers of Jamal.

Rashad Jamal rejects the accusation labeled against him.

He denied being a cult leader and said the charges of child molestation stemmed from a child custody dispute. 

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