Prague Mass Shooting Suspect Wrote Suicide Note

The mass shooting suspect who killed 17 people at Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic, wrote a suicide note before killing people.

In the letter, the suspect confessed to committing three murders, including his father.

The suspect, David Kozak, was a master’s history student at the university, and the motive of the attack is still unsure.

Three More Murders

The number of deaths now jumped to 17 after police found the suicide note in Kozak’s home.

The killer mentioned in the letter that he shot dead a man and his little daughter near the city six days before the mass shooting.

The little girl was just 12 months old, a two-month-old girl, according to Czech media.

The suspect also killed his father before he gunned down 14 people at the university.

The Czech Interior Minister Vit Rakusan called upon town mayors to cancel New Year’s fireworks in respect to those who died in the shooting, the BBC reported.

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