Students Sue Government After Teacher Takes Paper 90 Seconds Early

South Korean students sued the government after their teacher took the exam paper 90 seconds before the end time.

The lawsuit filed by 39 students sued the state for unfairly interfering in the exam process at the very end of paper.

Students Demand Compensation

The students demanded the Seoul Central District Court to intervene and penalize the government after they were forced to hand over their papers.

The college pupils are demanding 20 million won (around $15,400) each, which is one year’s cost of studying to retake the exam.

Education Authorities Have Not Apologized

The student’s lawyer, Kim Woo-Suk, said the education authority has not apologized for their mistake.

Mr. Kim said the bell rang 90 seconds earlier in the first out of the total eight papers.

In April, a court in the South Korean capital awarded 7 million won ($5,250) for the same reason.

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