Ukraine Politician Detonates Grenades in Council Meeting

A local deputy threw three grenades during a meeting of the local village council in Ukraine.

The viral video on the internet showed a group of people calmly talking to each other when Serhiy Batrin entered and detonates three grenades.

1 Killed, 26 Injured

Batrin, the deputy of the Servant of the People party, was reported injured in the incident.

The police said at least one individual was dead, and 26 others were wounded in the incident.

Six individuals were critically injured, and they were undergoing medical treatment.


The initial reports suggested that the incident occurred in the Karetsky Village Council in western Ukraine.

The police said Batryn was unhappy with the work of the village council.

He had years old feud with the chief of the village, Mikhail Mushka.

The police have opened a criminal investigation against Batrin for illegally using use of weapons and munitions.

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