Running For President Because Trump is Dangerous, Biden Says

US President Joe Biden has said he is running for President because his rival, Donald Trump, was doing so.

He said Trump is dangerous for America, and he is the one who can stop him.

Biden told reporters that his only reason for running for President was the former President.

Uncertain Presidency

US President Joe Biden told an audience at a fundraiser in Boston that he was uncertain about running for re-election, but he had to defeat Trump, who is leading the polls.

Biden said Trump is dangerous for the United States, and he is the only one who can stop him from becoming the President.

Democrats Uneasy With Biden

Meanwhile, Biden’s democratic comrades have expressed concerns over Biden’s old age.

Recent polls conducted by CNN show that about half of the Democrats are worried about Biden’s physical potential to run for President.

The polls revealed that 73% of Americans were seriously concerned about Biden’s current physical and mental competence level.

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