Google To Delete Millions of Inactive Gmail Accounts Tomorrow

Google has announced that it’ll delete millions of inactive Gmail accounts by the start of December.

The decision came after the tech giant announced that it wouldn’t let ad-blocking extensions do their job.

Google said it would delete all Gmail accounts if they had remained inactive for two years.

Better Security

Google said in the statement that deleting older inactive accounts will prevent users from falling prey to cyber-attacks and identity theft.

Users usually forget about their old accounts, but they forget that they have information that can be used for harmful purposes.

“Once an account is compromised, it can be used for anything from identity theft to sending unwanted or even malicious content like spam,” Google manager Ruth Kricheli said.

Google Will Inform Users

Before the accounts are deleted permanently, Google will be sending emails to warn them about the decision.

The company said it would send emails to the older Gmail accounts and the new ones associated with the older ones before deleting them.

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