World’s Richest 1% Release More CO2 Than Poorest 66%

A 6-month long research has revealed that the wealthiest 1% of the world’s population accounts for more carbon oxide than the poorest 66%.

The 1%, which comprises around 77 million people, contributed around 16% of global CO2 emissions in 2019, enough to cause 1.3 million heat-related deaths in the coming decades.

Report Blames The Polluter Elite

The report blamed the polluter elite for putting the lives of millions across the globe, with their emissions.

Although the elite is protected from the effects of climate change, what they do for living is killing people elsewhere, the report said.

“The super-rich are plundering and polluting the planet to the point of destruction, and it is those who can least afford it who are paying the highest price,” Chiara Liguori, senior for Oxfam, said.

Taxing The Rich

One of the ways to reduce the emissions of polluter elites is to impose taxes, which could cut CO2 emissions by 695 million tons.

A 60% tax of incomes of the wealthiest would raise $6.4 trillion a year, the report concluded.

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