Bin Laden’s Letter To America Goes Viral on TikTok

The head of the terrorist organization’s “letter to the America” has gone viral on TikTok amid the crisis in the Middle East.

The letter was written by Osama bin Laden, OBL, and was sent to the Bush administration around 21 years ago.

TikTok has said they are removing content which features the letter.

Letter To America

The letter to America was written in 2002, in which the terrorist leader justified its attacks on American soil.

The letter explains multiple reasons behind the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.

OBL has openly condemned the American presence in the Middle East and has urged the American public to hold US leaders accountable.

The Guardian Removes Letter

Initially, the letter was there for the public to view on The Guardian‘s website but was later removed.

TikTok has said they are removing the hashtag #letter to America as the platform fears it’ll radicalize people.

“Content promoting this letter clearly violates our rules on supporting any form of terrorism,” TikTok said.

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