Estonia Starts Culling Wolves, Experts Fear Harm

Estonia has once again started culling its wolf population amid concerns that the practice will reduce the population.

Scientists have argued against the practice saying it’ll drastically reduce the population by 30%.

A specific number of wolves are culled each year in the country but this time, conservationists are worried.

Authorities claim culls are needed as wolves attack livestock, especially sheep

Why is Estonia Culling Wolves?

The Estonian Environmental Agency justified the practice saying that there were more wolves than nature could permit.

The authorities said their practice was completely legal, and the culls were necessary to decrease the ever-increasing population of wolves in Estonia.

“We find the current methodology to be comprehensive, objective and appropriate,” the agency said.

Hunter with dead wolf

Experts Suggest Otherwise

Scientists, on the other hand, have argued against the practice.

“Science has always shown that culling actually does not help reduce sheep deaths,” Maris Hindrikson, a wolf researcher, told Euronews.

Hindrikson said culling would hunt down the older wolves; then the younger ones will resort to violent means of hunting, damaging the coal economy further.

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