Rebellious Russian Soldiers Beat Their Colonel To Death

On 1 November, a Ukrainian intelligence report revealed that a senior military officer was beaten to death by Russian-mobilized soldiers in Simferopol, Crimea.

The report stated that a group of soldiers seriously injured the deputy commander of their regiment from the 20th Motorized Division.

Colonel Died in Hospital

The Ukrainian Intelligence said the colonel was later transferred to a health facility in Simferopol, where he died on 7 November.

After being brutally beaten up, the colonel was transferred to a health facility in Simferopol, where he succumbed to injuries.

The colonel has not been identified

Soldiers Changed Appearance

The suspects changed their clothes to escape the base in civilian clothing to avoid suspicion.

The Ukrainian intelligence statement confirmed that the Russian service members suspected of the colonel’s murder fled to the Krasnodar Territory of the Russian Federation.

This is not the first time such an incident happened within the ranks of Russian armed forces.

Last year, a similar incident happened when two Russian forces opened fire on friendly troops for disrespecting religion.

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