US Army Veteran Gets World’s First Eye Transplant

Surgeons in New York have successfully performed an eye transplant for the very first time.

The 21-hour surgery, which involved replacing half of a patient’s face, is a pioneering effort that goes beyond the successful previous corneal transplants in the field.

The surgeons were skeptical whether the transplant would restore sight, but they were hopeful.

Patient Survived High-Voltage Accident

Aaron James, a former US Army soldier, survived a high 7,200-volt electrical accident a few years ago.

James underwent an eye and facial transplant, which involved more than 140 health professionals.

The surgeons said the patient was recovering well, and the eye also looked pretty healthy.

James Continued To Be Monitored

The health professionals said Mr James will continuously be ministered after the transplant surgery.

Doctors said it was motivating to see fresh blood flowing to the retina, but the possibility of sight recovery is grim.

“We’re not claiming that we are going to restore sight,” Dr Rodriguez said.

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