Italy Seizes $835 Million From Airbnb in Tax Evasion Inquiry

Italy has ordered the authorities to seize $835 million from Airbnb for tax evasion.

The authorities said the rental giant failed to collect $3.9 billion from landlords of rental income.

The Italian Finance Police said the company withheld 21% of taxes, which the landlords must pay.

Airbnb in Contact With Authorities

In response to the government decision, the home-sharing company said they were in contact with the government.

The statement said the firm has been in touch with the Italian tax agency to resolve the issue since June.

“We are surprised and disappointed at the action announced by the Italian public prosecutor,” Airbnb spokesperson said.

Airbnb is an online marketplace for property renting

What is Happening?

The Italian tax agency also said they are investigating three individuals associated with Airbnb.

The incident is not an isolated one and is part of a broader examination of the tax practices undertaken by Italian and EU authorities.

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