Protesters Raise Red Hands Amid Important US Senate Hearing

Protesters were forcibly removed from the room when they started shouting slogans and raised red hands.

Protesters interrupted Anthony Blinken, US Secretary of State while delivering his speech at the hearing.

The US Defense Secretary Loyed Austin also accompanied Blinken during the hearing, the BBC reported. 

Red Hands Raised

The protesters started shouting “ceasefire now” when US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken testified about the Biden administration’s $106 security fund.

The protesters painted their hands red, hinting at thousands of civilian casualties in the Middle East crisis.

The police escorted the protesters out of the Dirksen Senate Office Building and arrested 12 people. 

Biden’s Security Fund

The Biden administration has asked Congress to fund $106 billion in security funds for itself and its allies.

The bill includes $61.4 billion for Ukraine’s security, $9.2 billion for humanitarian aid, $2 billion for Taiwan’s security, and $10.9 billion for border security.

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