Pilot Rescued 9 Hours After Plane Crashes into Everglades

Authorities successfully rescued a pilot after his small plane crashed in Florida Everglades.

The incident occurred early Tuesday morning, but the pilot was saved after 9 hours.

The video footage showed the man waiting on the plane’s wing, waiting for emergency services.

The Crash and Response

Around 10:20 a.m. local time, Miami-Dade Fire Rescue responded to a call for assistance from the Broward County Sheriff’s Office.

The call mentioned that a small plane had reportedly gone down near Mack’s Fish Camp, situated at 18599 Krome Ave in Southwest Broward.

The rescue officials said the pilot was stranded on the plane for at least nine hours.

Terrain Made It Challenging

The rescue officials blamed the regional terrain that made it challenging to reach the pilot. T

he region is where man-eating crocodiles coexist with alligators in the same waters, the BBC said.

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