Youtuber Apologizes For Evading Train Fees For Videos in Japan

A famous YouTuber has formally apologized after uploading a video where he evaded train fees.

An investigation was initiated against Fidias Panayiotou after he showed how he traveled across Japan for free without paying a penny.

Fidias apologized and deleted the video after people called for his arrest.

Video thumbnail of one of Fidia’s Panayiotou’s videos

Free Tickets & Food

The YouTuber, who goes by the name Fidias, has more than 2 million subscribers on his channel.

He uploaded a video titled I Travelled Across Japan For Free, where he showed how he evaded train tickets and a five-star hotel breakfast bill.

People on social media urged authorities to arrest him for disrespectful behavior.

Fidias Deleted His Video

The Youtuber later apologized for the video and said he wouldn’t do it again.

People on YouTube said they were disgusted by Youtubers who take advantage of the kindness and politeness of the Japanese people.

“In addition to this guy Fidias, the three others should be arrested,” one comment said.

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