189 Decaying Bodies Found At US Green Funeral Home

Police in Colorado found at least 189 decaying dead bodies from a funeral home that offered green burial services.

The neighbourhood filed reports to the police complaining about a foul odour from the funeral home.

The authorities were stunned to find 189 decaying bodies at the funeral home offering biodegradable services.

FBI Helping in Identification

The police brought some of the human remains of the dead bodies to the El Paso County Coroner’s Office.

According to the BBC, the FBI is also helping the authorities identify all the victims.

The incident will put a question mark on the burial services offered as they rebound to bury the remains within 24 hours.


On the 6th of October, the police discovered 115 decaying bodies at the funeral compound.

Deputies were called to the building to investigate the reasons correctly or if there was any public health risk.

The building was empty and was out of business, as per The Guardian report.

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