Study Says Climate Crisis Costing $16m An Hour: The Guardian

According to a recent environmental study, quoted by The Guardian, extreme weather due to climate change has an estimated cost of $16 million an hour.

The study also revealed that from 2000 to 2019, the global economy suffered $2.8 trillion due to the climate crisis.

The researchers said the data they have is still lacking accurate numbers as these are just estimates.

$16 Million Cost A Day

The climate crisis which has severely devastated properties across all the continents in the recent past have been an issue of urgent concern.

The recent estimates show at least $16 million cost to public property and loss of lives, particularly in the developing world.

The study also found an average cost of around $140 billion in the last two decades.

1.2 Billion People Affected

The Guardian report also mentioned that at least 1.2 billion people have been affected by the climate crisis in the last 20 years.

Those numbers are expected to rise further as climate related events are triggering at a much faster rate around the world. 

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