US Regulator Asked Fortnite To Refund $245m To Parents

Fortnite was ordered to repay $245m to parents whose children spent money without their consent.

The US Federal Trade Commission ordered the Fortnite developer Epic Games to refund as the users were manipulated to make unintended purchases. Epic games agreed to pay the amount in 2022 and the process has just begun.

Fortnite Tricked Users

The game was accused of having a deceptive interface that tricked its users to make purchases they didn’t really want. The game company settled allegations with the US regulator and agreed to use deceptive tactics to extract money from the players. 

The game, with over 400 million players, is free to play without upfront cost in the beginning, but it makes money when players make purchases.

Fortnite Breached Privacy

Epic Games was also accused of breaching the privacy of its users who were mostly kids.

The fine was related to how the company breached the privacy of its underage users, without prior agreements with their parents. The fine is the largest ever imposed by the FTC for breaking a rule.

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