Iran Releases Five US Prisoners in The Prisoner Swap

The Iranian government has released five American prisoners and are out of Iranian airspace, according to local media.

The plane carrying the Americans landed in Doha, Qatar, from where they’ll head back to the US. In return, the US announced the release of five Iranian prisoners & also transferred $6 billion Iranian funds. 

Plane Lands in Qatar

As per the latest updates, a plane carrying the prisoners have successfully landed in the Qatari capital. The Al Jazeera correspondent said there was a sigh of relief once the plane landed in Doha.

The prisoner exchange took two years of tense negotiations between the officials from the US and Iran.

The deal also involves the transfer of $6 billion of frozen Iranian funds from South Korea.

US Released Iranian Prisoners

The Biden administration has also named the five Irnaians who will be freed as part of the deal.

All the five Iranian prisoners were accused of working with the Iranian government to extract sensitive information.

Only two out of the five Iranians will be heading back home while the other three are either staying in the US or another country. 

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