A Danish court has ordered an artist to repay the funding after he presented empty frames as artwork. The court ordered the artist named Jens Haaning to repay £61,500 which the museum provided for the artwork. The Kunsten Museum of Modern Art in Denmark took legal action when the artist declined to repay the funds.

Empty Frames As Artwork
The story is one year old when the museum received two empty frames as artwork by the artist. The museum has accused Haaning of violating a legal contract and the artist is in possession of $84,000, which belongs to the museum. The artist was commissioned by the institution to recreate two previous works. The museum said the artist was a good man but they’ll file a suit if he refuses to comply.

Artist Said He is Not A Thief
To respond to the accusations, the artist said he was not a thief and it is a breach of contract which is part of his work. Now the court in Copenhagen has asked Haaning to repay the loaned funds.