CCTV Shows Miami Airport Staff Allegedly Stealing From Bags

CCTV footage from the Miami International Airport has surfaced that appears to show some staff members stealing from the luggage.

The Transportation security administration (TSA) agents zipped through multiple bags and stole things after carefully analyzing them, the CCTV revealed. 

Suspects Were Arrested

As per the arrest report, three agents named Labarrius Williams, Elizabeth Fuster and Joaue Gonzalez have been involved in the activity for months.

The agents managed to continue stealing because no one carefully checked out the camera. There were complaints from the passenger side either, officials said.

All the agents were arrested back in July when the airport’s federal security director contacted the Miami-Dade Police department about thefts at the airport.

One Suspect Charges Were Dropped

The suspect Elizabeth Fuster’s charges were later dropped, the CNN affiliate WSVN reported. Gonzalez made a deal with the prosecutors for his charges to be dropped as well but the outcome is yet to materialize. Meanwhile, the case of Williams is still pending.

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