Escaped Pennsylvania Killer Caught After Two Weeks

After 2 weeks on the run, the police were able to re-arrest the Pennsylvania murderer. The fugitive was finally arrested after fleeing the Pennsylvania prison on 31st of August, just days after he was charged. Schools were closed and the public in panic as the police tried to hunt down the murderer.

Residents Finally Relieved

The suspect Danelo Souza Cavalcante caused panic among the residents of southeastern Pennsylvania when he escaped. The police urged the citizens not to go near the forest as they were certain the suspect was hiding there. The residents were finally relieved when the suspect was finally taken into custody.

Police Canine Bit Suspect

Officials involved in the chase said the suspect sustained “a minor bite wound,” during the operation. The suspect was lying over a rifle he had stolen a few days back from the homeowner’s garage. All the officers were seen taking photos with the suspect after the operation.

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