Man Walks Into FBI Office & Confesses Killing A Woman in 1979

A man in Oregon walked into the FBI’s office and confessed to killing a woman 4 decades ago.

The 68-year-old man admitted that he killed and raped a 24-year-old Susan Marcia Rose on October 30, 1979. The suspect John Michael Irmer was charged with murder after spending 10 years free.

Ice-Blooded Murder

Irmer told the FBI that he did kill Susan without any apparent reason. The suspect met Susan before Halloween in Boston in 1979.

He explained how they both walked around the Back Day before entering an apartment.

Upon entering the under-renovation building, he grabbed a hammer and hit Susan on the head, killing her on the spot. 

Justice After 44 Years

District Attorney Kevin Hayden said the family and relatives of Susan got what they were waiting for 44 years.

The investigators also charged and tried another man in 1981, but fortunately he was found not guilty of the murder.

The investigators also matched Irmer’s blood samples with those found at the crime scene, which came out positive.

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