Why Bats Are More Dangerous To Humans Than Other Mammals?

Bats became the center of attention when the covid hit 4 years ago. Recently, researchers from the US and Canada have revealed that bats carry highly infectious viruses that can prompt another pandemic. The research concluded that bat viruses are far more dangerous to humans than any other mammals.

Bats, The Reservoirs of Viruses

Team of scientists from the University of Exeter, University of Chicago, York University, & University of California, Berkeley reported that viruses increase their chances of survival because of tolerance. Bats have a higher level of tolerance to viruses as compared to other mammals, because of their genetic makeup, the research said.

Low Lethality In Other Mammals

The scientists were able to deploy the same procedure to 19 other mammals and investigated the results. They found viruses slowly in other mammals as compared to humans. The research study was published in PLOS Biology.

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